
Webinar/event title - Try to make this a question that centres around the problem your personas are trying to solve.

Use the subtitle to further explain the webinar and share the UVP.


What is in the webinar/event?

Short, concise summary of the main pain points we're helping to solve here - no more than 30 words.

Register for the webinar now

Webinar / Event Agenda

  • Cover off each of the agenda points and give some information around what will be covered (You don't want this to look too bare bones).
  • Nullam eu nisl ornare, auctor lectus ut, cursus lectus.
  • Donec ornare efficitur tellus id vestibulum. Sed vel sodales tortor, quis consequat magna.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In rhoncus nunc orci, eu laoreet quam pellentesque non.
  • Nullam eu nisl ornare, auctor lectus ut, cursus lectus.
  • Donec ornare efficitur tellus id vestibulum. Sed vel sodales tortor, quis consequat magna.


Full name, Job title

Tom FoxPresenter bio should go here e.g.: Tom has worked in the flood mitigation and drainage sector for 15 years. His multi-disciplinary engineering approach is teamed with providing clear and quantifiable value to customers.
His work has taken him on-site in Europe, the Middle East and in London alongside Thames Water, later using that experience to aid drainage engineers in finding the right design tools for their scope of works.

Shout about our CPD accreditation

Attendees will get an insight into the latest features and walk through the whole design process from start to end. Add to your professional accreditation by requesting a CPD Certificate at the end of your course.

CPD certified