A vision for Wales: strategies and solutions for successful street works and asset management
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What's on the agenda?
- What successful street works and asset management looks like in Wales with a comprehensive, digital solution.
- Our future plans for Causeway Mayrise, Causeway Alloy and Causeway one.network.
- How Welsh local highway authorities are using Causeway one.network and Causeway Alloy to transform operations and public communications.
Bridgend County Borough Council, responsible for managing roadworks on 793km of highway, needed a digital solution to enhance planning, coordination, and communication. A single, shared digital map of the road network now serves as the central source for planning and coordinating street works.
Torfaen County Borough Council moved from Mayrise to Causeway Alloy, consolidating all services into one application - tackling inefficiencies, reducing administrative tasks and improving visualisation of assets.
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