Embodied carbon data within construction - are we opening Pandora's box?
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Are you ready to learn more about achieving accurate, real-time embodied carbon reporting? Enjoy this OnDemand webinar as we are joined by Dr Adam O'Rourke to look at the challenges, and risks, of calculating carbon emissions by both quantity and spend-based methods, and the unexpected consequences this can present when reporting on the data.
We also introduce the Causeway Tradex Carbon solution, with a look at the background into why the solution was developed in the first place.
What's on the agenda?
Data is overwhelming. Carbon data is no different. Does an overwhelming amount of embodied carbon data present more questions than answers? Carbon data is presented in two different ways – quantity-based and spend-based.
When looking at the data, the first challenge is often a question of how we get the data to the right and relevant part of the organisation. Then, once the data starts to filter down to other areas of the business, it can become somewhat of a Pandora’s Box: do we need to know all this financial data? Who should be able to access it? How do we process and manage the data internally? What else can we do with the data? Do you attribute carbon factors to other charges? Do you attribute carbon factors to everything? Is there anything you should exclude?
Another challenge is around the methodologies used, with careful consideration required around provenance and confidence of the data. The minority of the carbon data available is quantity-based, yet it offers more accuracy and more transparency in relation to reporting. We will discuss how companies can overcome the challenge of obtaining more accurate, quantity-based data, and how the industry can support each other. We will also discuss applied examples of how companies are rising to this challenge.
A look at the differences between spend-based and quantity-based data for carbon reporting
The challenges, and risks, of calculating carbon emissions by both methods, and the unexpected consequences this can present when reporting on the data
A discussion on how companies can overcome the challenge of obtaining more accurate, quantity-based data, and how the industry can support each other
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