Streamline your workflows and design UK compliant drainage schemes with Causeway Flow

Causeway Flow streamlines your design workflows, reduces costs and keeps your teams connected with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. The software is designed to help engineers, consultants and local authorities design compliant drainage schemes efficiently and cost-effectively. Contact us to more about Causeway Flow.


End-to-end drainage design software


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Trusted by consultants, housebuilders and authorities

BEAM Consulting Engineers
Doran Consulting
Waterman Moylan Consulting
MHL consulting engineers
Thomas Consulting
Ramboll UK

"You're talking about doing something in 10 minutes as opposed to spending two days. That's really powerful.”

Associate at SD Engineers

Is Causeway Flow the right solution for you?

Smart drainage design starts with Causeway Flow.

Causeway Flow is an industry leading hydraulic modelling package for the design and analysis of optimal, compliant and cost-effective storm and foul water drainage networks, developed for organisations looking for a robust, intuitive and complete design solution.

Over 20 new organisations adopt Causeway Flow as their drainage design solution
"We wanted a robust, intuitive and complete solution. Causeway Flow ticked all our boxes, and more. That’s why we were more than happy to roll the solution out to our teams worldwide."
Clay Civil Consulting
"Causeway Flow enabled me to quickly and efficiently map out the drainage network, resulting in visually appealing outputs and a modern feel compared to what I had used before."
"It has made our hydraulic design process easier thanks to its ability to use the modified rational method for sizing conveyance systems and the SWMM engine for hydraulically analysing drainage systems."
Flood Risk Consultancy

Widely accepted by approving authorities in the UK

national highways

Let's get started

Our cloud-based floating licence model lets your engineers access Causeway Flow and easily share licenses across multiple teams, devices and office locations. This flexible option lets you scale up or down as needed without being tied down by restrictive user-locked licences. Contact us today and let's get Causeway Flow working for your business!